Sunday, February 21, 2010


I cast on my Knitting Olympics project at Paige's Olympic Cast-On Shindig, during the opening ceremonies. Despite a cold that knocked me out for a massive portion of the weekend, I was here by Sunday:


Here I am, a week later:


It doesn't look like much, but I promise it's progress. I have 20 g of yarn left, and my calculations make me think I can pull off one more repeat of the main chart, and then the edging chart. I may just make it!

Knitting tv has alternated between the first season of The OC and the actual Olympics. I am learning about sports I've never really watched before. Moguls skiing is awesome. All the sleddy stuff scares the crap out of me. The skating is really cool - and there are parallels in technique to auto racing (esp. short-track) that makes me want to watch more of it.

Knit on, folks. Faster, Higher, Stronger!

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